Sacred Heart Primary School is committed to child safety.
We believe all children have the right to feel safe and to be safe. 

Acknowledgement of Traditional Custodians

Sacred Heart acknowledges the traditional custodians
of the land on which this school is built.
We commit ourselves to working in partnership with
Aboriginal people for reconciliation and justice.


Almighty God, we give you our school. 

We give you all the teachers and staff who work here. 

We give you all the children who learn here. 

We pray our school will continue to be a place of great discovery, adventure and creativity. 

May it be a place where we love to learn and where we learn to love. 

A place where every-one is respected and all are deeply valued. 

We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Principals Report

Welcome back to all our students, staff, families and a chilly start to Term Three! We hope that the holidays were a safe and refreshing one for the students. The term ahead sees lots happening in the learning spaces as well as school community events. One of those events is our Grandparents Day liturgy taking place on Friday 28th July. It’s a very special day and one that is always well supported by our families and friends.

Learning Conversations will take place next week. These conversations are an important opportunity for you to sit with your child’s teacher and discuss their achievements and challenges of the first semester and set goals and actions for the remaining terms. Everything tells us that positive, supportive relationships between the learner, parents and school have strong benefits for your child. Thank you for taking this opportunity. Please contact your child’s teacher if you were unable to attend these Learning Conversations. 

Over the past four years there has been a significant increase in primary school students being targeted and bullied by online predators through games and Apps. Please make yourself aware of the games your children are playing online and the profiles they are following on social media.  Please find below two links highlighting some strategies of keeping your child/ren safe online.

Thank you to all those families who have either paid their school fees in full or who have arranged a structured timetable of payments so the debt is covered by the end of the year. I would urge all families to make consistent contributions so that the debt does not get to a stage where it becomes difficult to pay off.

Take care everyone

3 Ways Parents Can Foster eSafety
eSafety Commissioner website.
Catholic Identity News

Sacred Heart Day
It was a wonderful celebration on the last day of term for our Feast Day. A big crowd joined us in the MPB for a beautiful Mass which the students engaged in magnificently. We were lucky that Bishop Shane was our celebrant and he was happy to see everyone so involved in
our liturgy. Well done to our Year 6 leaders who read on the day. A big thank you to all those families who joined us to help commemorate this important event on our school calendar.
For the first time ever we presented the Catherine McAuley Award and it was presented to one of our Year 6 Students. 
The recipient of this exceptional award is a person who is a true symbol of the Mercy Values instilled by the founder of the Mercy Sisters, Catherine McAuley.  She consistently demonstrates genuine care and empathy towards others. Her actions demonstrate a profound respect for every individual, treating them with kindness and dignity. 
 Through her warm and welcoming nature, she creates an inclusive space where everyonefeels valued and heard. She exemplifies courage, inspiring others to stand up for what is right.  Above all, her unwavering commitment to service shines through in her selfless acts of
giving and support. The winner of the Catherine McAuley Award this year is Isabel Bruce
Isabel's dedication to the Mercy Values serves as an inspiration to all, reminding us of the transformative power of living a life guided by compassion, respect, hospitality, justice, courage, and service.
Well done Isabel!
Along with SHC we presented a cheque for $1000 to our local St Vincent de Paul Society. This donation was gratefully received and will be put to great use for the less fortunate in our community. Thank you for your donations.
Following Mass we were treated to a Sausage Sizzle expertly cooked by Yarrawonga Lions Club. Once again, we thank them for the generous support of both our schools.
To top off a very special day we then gathered here at school for Sacred Heart Has Talent…and what a treat it was. We had magicians, Ventriloquists, a pianist, many comedians, storytellers, gymnasts and dancers. To name a few who entertained us. Congratulations to the
following children for their bravery and for sharing their talent with us all.
Hayley Robinson, James O’Kane, Amira Fraser & Sophie Hicks, Lyla Payne, Shakiah Robinson & Sienna Gallagher, Ava Hart, Mitchell, Jake & Will Blomeley, Kingston Kelly, Ollie Kennedy, Jesse Cole  Tom Simpson, Odette Richardson, Romy Carlyle, Sophie Savona, Olive Kelly, Isobel Allpress, Olivia Deglaitis, Ollie Page, Ava Fasoli & Peggy Bonuda, Ned O’Brien & Alex Mulquiney, Milla Wollington & Indi Perks, Harvey Stacey, Oliver Cummins & Farley Simmons, Ella Knight & Maisie Cooper, Charlotte Savona & Heeranya Mahajan, Alex Bridgeman, Lola Watts & Stella Hicks, Roley Cummins, Stevie O’Shanassy & Skye Strawhorn, Amelia McIntosh & TJ Ward, Kai Tanner, Bethany Ferguson, Max Coll & Jackson Smith, Anthony Nieuwenhout and Mrs Brewer.

Grandparents Day
Just a reminder we will be celebrating our Grandparents on the Feast of St Anne and Joachim with a liturgy on Friday July 28 th at 10 am in the MPB.
All welcome.

The Sacraments
This year our students in Year Three have the opportunity to make the Sacrament of Reconciliation and our Year Four students will make their first Reconciliation and Confirmation/ First Eucharist. Reconciliation will take place in Term 3 and
Confirmation/ First Eucharist in Term 4. These two sacraments, along with baptism are known as Sacraments of Initiation. When you chose baptism for your child, it was the first step of becoming a member of God’s family and these two sacraments continue this special journey.
All children, be they Catholic or of other faith traditions, will participate fully in the preparation for the Sacraments during religion lessons here at school. Only those families who chose to make the Sacrament will participate in the ceremony.
For organisational purposes I need an indication from each family if your child will be making the Sacrament of Reconciliation. All families in Year 3 and 4 will be emailed a Google Form today. Please fill in ASAP even if your child is not making their First Reconciliation.
If your child is in Year 5 or 6 and would like to receive this Sacrament of
Reconciliation please email me so I can send you the Google Form.

Welcome back to another busy term ahead, hopefully with some sunshine soon.

Meegan McInness (Catholic Identity Leader)



Sacred Heart Primary School is concerned about the safety and well-being of all our students.  Our school does its best to be an allergy aware school. Staff have had training in severe allergy management and we have implemented lots of strategies to help keep students at risk of anaphylaxis as safe as we can. 

Anaphylaxis is a sudden, severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction that can be caused by a number of different foods, perfumes, medications, insect stings and other environmental substances. An anaphylactic reaction can be rapid and is life threatening, often developing within seconds of exposure.

We now have 11 students who live with the risk of anaphylaxis to foods and insect stings. Whilst these children are being taught to care for themselves at an age appropriate level, we ask that you help us educate your child on the importance of not sharing food with others, washing hands after eating and calling out to an adult if they think their friend with allergies is sick. With increased awareness and understanding of anaphylaxis, we are able to help protect those around us

The safety of anaphylactic children in a school setting depends on the cooperation of the entire school community. We can never totally eliminate the risk of an anaphylaxis but we can all do things that will help lessen the risk. 

We ask that all parents respect that various students attending our school have potentially fatal reactions to numerous foods and other products, and ask that you kindly consider this when packing your child’s lunch or when sending in food for any occasion, including school excursions.

Peanuts are the leading cause of severe allergic reactions, followed by tree nuts, shellfish, fish and milk.

Please refrain from sending peanuts (including peanut butter & nutella) with your child to school.

We hope to be able to strike a balance between the right and convenience of all students to eat what they like and the allergic child’s right to relative safety in the school setting. Please do not hesitate to contact the Anaphylaxis Supervisor, Sharon Powell on 57443339 or your child’s classroom teacher if you would like to discuss this further.

The Mobile Dental Van will be visiting us in the week of October 23rd.
Provided by Australian Dental Health Victoria,
students can receive a full check-up, preventative and general dental care.
Parents are kept informed during their child's visit.
The Dental staff will call parents during their child's visit to discuss further treatment and address further questions or concerns they may have. 
Further treatments such as fillings are only completed if secondary
verbal consent is received by the parent.
Students will also take home an oral health report and
parents are notified of the dental visit via text or call.

There are NO OUT OF POCKET EXPENSES if your child is Medicare eligible.

ONLY students that have returned the Consent Form will visit the Dental Van.

Keep an eye out for the Consent Form below that every student has will be provided with this week.

Forms must be returned by July 31st.

Thanks to the Yarrawonga Lions Club for cooking the yummy sausages at our Sacred Heart Day celebrations last term.
For more information regarding The Resilience Project, please click on the
Parent & Carer Hub button below
Parent & Carer Hub
THE RESILIENCE PROJECT is tackling children’s mental health with a high-energy kids show tour across Victoria this September. Running their biggest tour yet, ‘3 Happy Tricks’ will visit Frankston, Dandenong, Wodonga, Wangaratta, Darebin, Ballarat, Geelong, Bendigo and Shepparton in the Term 3 school holidays and visiting WPACC on Thursday 21 September at 11am.
Click on the button below for show details
TRP Kids Shows
News from the Y

Wow what an amazing school holiday program we had. We were very busy and full on most days, with a waiting list on some. The highlight was our excursion to the Beechworth Honey Bees School. We learnt so much about the lives of
bees, how bees are endangered and what that means for our food production.
Our Yarning Circle: this week we are looking at the difference between the “Welcome to Country” and The “Acknowledgement of Country”
We are going to write our own “Acknowledgment of Country”
Sophie H and Charlotte A made a great start on this by writing down two they already know. Our group discussion highlighted the need to include ;The Yorta Yorta People; Traditional custodians; Respect; Culture; The land we are on.
In our next newsletter entry, I hope to share with you our services results, Our own “Acknowledgment of Country”
Some of this week’s activities: Four new games: Bop It, Mindfulness stacking stones, Bouncing ball game and Tetris puzzle.
Bookings are open for the pupil free day 24th July. We will be operating 7am-6pm
The Y Team
Copyright © 2021 Sacred Heart Primary School - All rights reserved.

Our contact details are:
62 Orr Street, Yarrawonga, VIC, 3730
ph: 5744 3339 

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