Sacred Heart Primary School is committed to child safety.
We believe all children have the right to feel safe and to be safe. 

Acknowledgement of Traditional Custodians

Sacred Heart acknowledges the traditional custodians
of the land on which this school is built.
We commit ourselves to working in partnership with
Aboriginal people for reconciliation and justice.

Principals Report

Dear Parents and Carers

It is hard to believe we are in the final weeks of term 4. The next few weeks are very busy with lots of opportunities for families to come together and celebrate our wonderful school community. 

This Sunday, December 3rd we begin the Advent Season.  The first week of Advent symbolises ‘hope’ and calls Christians to delve into their hearts and put their hope in Jesus.  Advent reminds us of the sacred meaning of Christmas and encourages us to be thankful during this special time.

Whole school orientation for 2023 will take place on the 12th December. Students will spend the morning in their new learning space and with their teachers for 2023. When deciding on classes, our teachers consider academic achievement levels, children who work well together and children who are better to be separated, special learning needs, behaviour and social or emotional needs. This process takes a lot of time, care, compassion, thought and trust. It is not vital for your child to be in the same class as his/her best friend. It is vital to be in a class with the best interest of your child in mind. It is very difficult to move children around once classes have been set. It is not possible to move one child as this inevitably affects that of another. I thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Christmas Concert will also take place on the 12th December

We have a number of staff changes for 2024.
Mrs Nada Nolen will be taking twelve months leave returning to us in 2025.  In Nada’s absence Mrs Kirsten Leary will take on the role of learners Diversity coupled with her literacy leaders role. Mr Brennan Mills and Mr Matt Dwyer are both leaving Sacred Heart at the end of this year.   

We will sincerely miss all of our staff leaving (and taking a break).  Each has contributed to our school community in significant ways and their presence will be missed.  We will have the opportunity to farwell both Matt and Brennan towards the end of term.

We will announce all new staff once the interviewing process has been completed.  Students will find out their teacher for next year at transition day on12th December.

We have had some reported cases of COVID in the school. The Department of Health recommends that staff and students who test positive for COVID-19 isolate for a minimum of 5 days and do not attend school until their symptoms resolve. 

Take care everyone

Catholic Identity
End of Year Mass
As per the invitation in our last newsletter we will hold our End of Year Mass on Friday December 15th in the MPB at Sacred Heart College at 10 am. This is always a beautiful celebration and a wonderful way for our school community to celebrate the end of the school year. We will also be farewelling our Year 6 students. Everyone is very welcome.
In preparation for Advent which commences this Sunday you will notice the prayer cloths will be purple and at least one Advent wreath and nativity scene will adorn each learning area. The children will be talking about this very special time during their RE lessons.

Have a great week everyone,
Meegan McInness
Catholic identity Leader


Thank you to all the parents that are responding to our permission notes so promptly.
The end of year is particularly busy and excursions cannot be planned for without 100% of parent responses.
A no response is also required if your child will not be attending an excursion.
Your prompt response to all permission requests by the
due date or sooner is appreciated.
Students in Year 3-6 in 2024 will be participating in a
Life Saving Victoria Water Safety Program
that requires parent permission by the 2nd week of school so please check PAM during the month of
January and respond accordingly.

Monday, Tuesdays & Wednesday
at recess and lunch breaks, we will be selling frozen
Quelch Juice Sticks for $1
A great fundraising and a healthy way to
stay refreshed on the hot summer day.
School fees have been emailed out to families this week. Please contact the school office if you have any concerns. 03 5744 3339
The Rosemary Cullen Foundation was founded in 2009 after we lost Rosemary in 2008.  She was our teaching colleague, friend and Religious Education Co-ordinator at Sacred Heart Primary School.  Rosemary had been on an immersion tour to Cebu in the Philippines where she was inspired by Fr John Iacona. She returned home to Australia quite determined to try and help some of these people.  She never had the chance to do this. 
We have raised funds for this purpose over the last15 years in many ways which include catering positions, the SHPS father's day breakfast, cupcake orders on the Cross Country day, a trivia night, a high tea, a Christmas decorations display and by selling art smock/library bags to Prep parents.  Lisa Boyer is our bower bird in the library and she collects great quality used items and boxes them up to be sent to a friend called Gwyn who is trusted with distributing the contents to the poorest of the poor in Cebu.  These boxes contain books, clothing, toys, games, sports equipment and trinkets for the poor communities.  The boxes are shipped twice a year and the shipping is paid for by the Rosemary Cullen Foundation. 
These funds raised have been distributed over the years to assist in desperately poor orphanages, day care centres, primary schools and new villages.  

In 2023 we have committed to a scholarship for one young girl to attend university.  KimKim comes from a small village outside Kulaman in Mindanao.  She was lucky enough to be cared for by the RNDM sisters in that area who provided her with assistance to attend and complete secondary school.  Our scholarship attends to KimKim's needs for 4 years.  This includes university fees in Cotabato for her degree in Social Work.  Our scholarship also includes provision for books, accommodation, food, medical needs and a moderate amount for social needs.  This scholarship was paid for by us and facilitated and managed by the RNDM sisters of Kulaman and Cotabato.  It is a very safe and guarded way to manage such a transaction.  KimKim is one of 9 children and is the only one to attend school higher than primary school level. Our committment is important to KimKim so she can complete her university degree and then return to her home region to help others in her community.  We would like to thank all the families and children of Sacred Heart for your ongoing support.

On Dec 12th at the Sacred Heart Primary School open evening, Lynne Brear will be managing a stall selling all sorts of items to help with our fundraising.  You can buy Christmas gifts for your teachers,  KK surprises, gorgeous storage bags for toys and caravan use, pre-read books,  delight in some of Nan's amazing chutneys and sauces as well as baked goodies and potted plants. Gifts will range from $1 - $10
There will also be a sausage sizzle available as well as cold juice boxes, water bottles and Super Doopers. Please don't forget to bring that elusive commodity called "cash" to help support the cause.
Health Care Card Holders
CSEF $125 Payment for 2024.

If you are a current Health Care Card holder and have NOT applied for the Camps Sports Excursions Fund (CSEF) in 2023, please complete the CSEF Application form that has been emailed to all families and return to the office to assess your eligibility.

If you received the CSEF payment in 2023, you are NOT required to reapply as we are permitted to roll your application over to 2024.

If you are a current Health Care Card Holder and are not sure of your eligibility for the CSEF, please contact Sharon on 0357443339.

The CSEF payment of $125 is paid directly to the school and will be allocated towards camps, sports and/or excursion costs for your child charged in the 2024 school fees.

Please do not hesitate to contact the office if you require a hard copy or further information.

News from The Y Team

Summer School Holiday program Information
Our program has been released and bookings can be made now. Click on button below to view the Holiday Program

If you need care from the 2nd of January 2024, the YMCA Yarrawonga college program could help you.

Reminder: Hats are a must have item at aftercare. Children without hats will be limited to playing in the undercover area. Many children leave their hats in their classroom, so a spare old hat kept in their bags would be fine for our program
We have started a new daily activity: “How Do You Feel Today”, children can draw a face do help relate their mood for the day. The board includes a self-regulation chart.
OXFAM international: We have been talking about ways we can help the community: for our end of year community outreach we are working with OXFAM to provide live stock for families. For as little as $1 per
child we will be able to help 4 families to provide a better life for themselves and their children.
For the local community: We are creating Christmas cards to give. The children want to give them to: doctors, nurses, teachers, fireman, ambulance. police, hospital and charity shops.

The Y team
Holiday Program
Pay It Forward Christmas Hamper Registrations are OPEN!

For many years, Pay It Forward has supported those in our community that need some extra support, with Christmas food hampers and children’s gifts.

And due to the continued generosity of many people in our community – both businesses and those who donate food, gifts and monies –registrations are NOW OPEN for those seeking assistance this Christmas.
 Registrations close 11th December.

If you or your family are needing some extra assistance this Christmas, please register with our Pay It Forward Intake team by calling 03 5743 8514.

 Thanks for your ongoing support,
Siobhan Johnston and Jenny O’Brien
Copyright © 2021 Sacred Heart Primary School - All rights reserved.

Our contact details are:
62 Orr Street, Yarrawonga, VIC, 3730
ph: 5744 3339 

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